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Unnatural: The Dangers Of Unchecked Technology with Jaymie Icke


Unnatural: What Price Are We Paying For The Technology We Love? Jaymie Icke is the founder of Ickonic Media Group, an alternative media channel producing films, series, podcasts, and more. He’s also the director of a new film called “Unnatural” that examines the connections between cancer and electromagnetic technology, as well as the increased use of social media and cell phones as they pertain to mental health. The Technology Revolution that began with the dial up internet in 1988 has changed the World more than you could possibly explain to someone who hadn’t witnessed it, people are now interacting with Technology every second of the day, but has that come at a price? The Social landscape of the World has changed forever, alongside that the Electromagnetic Frequencies that the Mobile Phone, WI-Fi and soon to be 5G technologies use are still yet to be proven safe, and there is sufficient evidence to show the dangers of long term and even short term exposures to those frequencies. Does the establishment investigate these findings? So far that’s a hard no. In this film we bring together some of the best Medical and Sceintific minds from the UK, USA, France, Germany and New Zealand to provide you with a alternative view on these technologies and look at what cost they have and will continue to come at.

authentic life, authentic self, being self aware, consciousness, coping skills, discovery, enlightenment, evolution, forensic soul analysis, Introspection, life skills, living spiritually, mental health, metaphysical, mysticism, open-minded thought, outer limits, positive living, psychology, science, self talk, self-aware, self-awareness, self-care, soul analyses, spiritual life, spirituality, the unexplained, true self, true stories


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