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Brice Hancock: Mile High Sober Living: Saving Lives, One Day At A Time


Brice Hancock – Executive Director

Brice is the executive director for Mile High Sober Living and an active member of Denver’s sober community. He believes that life is about “things to do and people to do them with”. He regularly exercises and goes to the gym, he plays guitar, likes music, art, spirituality, constant self improvement, and spending time with his son. In a previous life, he owned a live music bar and was surrounded by active alcoholism and addiction and now is surrounded by recovery. He is a realtor and the president of a 501c3 non-profit called Musicians Recovery Project which raises money for treatment for those with limited resources in early recovery.


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addiction, Advocacy, alcoholism, bipolar disorder, Christianity, coping skills, depression, FBI, Federal Prison, incarceration, jail, life skills, living sober, Opiods, Opioid Addiction, Opioids, prison, Probation, recovery, Recovery Coach, Recovery from addiction, self-care, Sober Coach, Sober living, substance abuse, substance misuse, substance recovery, Substance Use Disorder

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