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Cultivating Conscious Living with Theresa Puskar


Cultivating Conscious Living with Theresa Puskar As a transformation leader, “true” power speaker, performer and author, Theresa Puskar has had the privilege of spreading her own unique kind of inspiration throughout the continent. As the founder of Edu-Tainment Productions, she is passionate about educating, while entertaining her clients. In her truly unique Say “Yes” empowerment series, she will assist you in creating massive transformation and a greater sense of well being, as you learn to say “Yes” to Cultivate Mindfulness (staff care/conflict resolution), De-Stress, Lead Your Best (‘in-powerment’ leadership), Serve Your Best (self & customer care) and See the Best (self-empowerment). She is performing her solo travelogue, CAUSELESS JOY (formerly Beauty, Bollywood and Beyond) throughout North America. It has received accolades, having received 4-stars by NY critic, Alex Miller and 5-stars by Conscious Community magazine publisher, Kasia Szumal. As a keynote and coach, she offers a myriad of personal and professional development programs that cultivate conscious living and create cultures of true empowerment, heightened awareness and greater fulfillment.​​ Website: Forensic Soul Analysis on Theresa (In Order of Appearance) 55:00 – Astrologer Constance Stellas 57:42 – Psychic Medium Joyce Keller ================= Conscious Community™ Magazine (formerly The Monthly Aspectarian) is a Chicago-based publication and winner of the Conscious Evolutionaries Wheel of CoCreation Award. Founded in 1979, we are the oldest spiritual magazine in the United States dedicated to elevating consciousness. We distribute to over 900 locations throughout Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana, and are available on the web and on social media. Each issue is filled with a myriad of articles, including monthly columns and interviews with leading spiritual teachers and experts such as: Joan Borysenko, John Bradshaw, Matthew Fox, Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Robert Masters, Brian Weiss, Bernie Siegel, Dan Millman, Neale Donald Walsch, Shakti Gawain, Sonia Choquette, Thomas Moore, Richard Bach, Eben Alexander, MD, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., and JP Sears. Website:

authentic life, authentic self, being self aware, consciousness, coping skills, discovery, enlightenment, evolution, forensic soul analysis, Introspection, life skills, living spiritually, mental health, metaphysical, mysticism, open-minded thought, outer limits, positive living, psychology, science, self talk, self-aware, self-awareness, self-care, soul analyses, spiritual life, spirituality, the unexplained, true self, true stories


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