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From Struggle to Strength: Navy EOD Veteran Taylor Morris


Taylor Morris, a former Navy EOD, (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Technician, shares his story from struggle to strength with the founder of Boulder Crest Retreat, Ken Falke. He talks about how he grew up with a love for tinkering and how he found his passion with the Navy as a bomb disposal specialist. On May 3, 2012, an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) detonated while Taylor was clearing a path into a building to provide his Special Forces A- team cover from enemy fire during a mission in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The blast took all four of Taylor’s limbs. Taylor spent two years of rehabilitation in the hospital and has an incredible positive outlook on his future. Taylor is a great example of posttraumatic growth and how he is able to keep pushing through when so many others might lose hope. Taylor lives with his wife, Danielle, in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

anxiety, complex post traumatic stress disorder, cPTSD, depression, growth, Josh Goldberg, Ken Falke, mental health, mental illness, Military, military service, post traumatic stress disorder, POW, prisoner of war, PTSD, strength, struggle, survivor, survivors, trauma, trauma survivor, veteran


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