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011: Is it Time to Say Goodbye?


One of the most painful choices we can make in life is to leave a relationship, especially when we are still feeling so much love for our partner. When we hear our soul calling to grow and expand and become more of who we truly are, often times it becomes necessary to end a relationship. How do we handle the feelings of doubt and insecurity, and even worse, feelings of guilt because we don’t want to hurt the person we love? Can we get clear enough with our intentions and direction and make a decision that will change our life forever? Robin shares a personal story and encourages her listeners to overcome their obstacles to doing what they need to do for themselves, knowing that what is good for you is good for everyone else too. Learn more about Awaken Radio

authentic self, awakened life, awakening, awareness, change, compassion, consciousness, empowerment, greater awareness, healing life, healing lifestyle, improved self, improving yourself, life improvements, life journey, making changes, mental health, new self, perception, personal transformation, Robin Jillian, self-awareness, self-care, self-change, self-love, self-perception, spirituality


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