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028: I Am Who I Am, But Am I Okay With Who I Am?


When we realize that the life we are living does not belong to the calling of our heart and soul, we make a choice to transform our lives.  Sometimes we are even unaware that our higher self has already set into motion the changes we need to make in our lives to be free and to be authentically who we are. It is a difficult journey. It is necessary to accept ourselves just as we are during these times of intense change. When we judge and blame ourselves or others, it will cause unnecessary pain as we metamorphous into our new self. Our courage will come and go and we may find ourselves stuck as we cling to the known and familiar. How do we begin to accept ourselves and love ourselves and make the deep transformation that is calling?  Robin Jillian will explain to you what the journey looks like and how to navigate your fears and make the changes you so deeply desire.   Learn more about Awaken Radio

authentic self, awakened life, awakening, awareness, change, compassion, consciousness, empowerment, greater awareness, healing life, healing lifestyle, improved self, improving yourself, life improvements, life journey, making changes, mental health, new self, perception, personal transformation, Robin Jillian, self-awareness, self-care, self-change, self-love, self-perception, spirituality


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