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Anissa Hudak: Helping To Heal From Trauma


Annisa Hudak is a Reiki Master and expert Yoga Therapist who has dedicated her career to helping people who have experienced significant trauma during their lifetime. While traditional psychotherapy and psychiatry are essential to treating conditions such as PTSD, connecting through community and getting additional help to work through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues can make a big difference.

Annisa Hudak has created such a community and also provides one-on-one coaching as well as Yoga classes and Reiki therapy. You can learn more about what she does and about her personal story here: She has helped people who suffered trauma in the military as well as rape survivors.

In the world of addiction recovery, it can sometimes be difficult for people to find a community where they are comfortable connecting with others. Building a network of support can be particularly challenging for women. Life in active addiction is often a source of trauma. Having support resources available 24 hours a day, seven days a week can make all the difference when it comes to overcoming trauma and dealing with emotionally painful triggers.

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