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Tag: depression

Money & Emotions – A Novel Approach – TPS442

When most podcasters talk about money and emotions, they talk about how people feel about their money. My approach is quite different in that I look at the emotions you are acting out through your money. In this episode, I talk about how what you feel when dealing with money is never about money – and what it is about.


You can use your money feelings to understand your emotional makeup.
If you are afraid of running out of money, that indicates that you are feeling alone.
If you think you need more money, you are saying that you need more people because money is always attached to people.
Feeling like there’s never enough means that you feel like not enough.
Fear of losing what you have is often the result of abandonment stories.
The idea is to recognize the feeling and express it.
When you hear yourself thinking that you need more money, ask yourself, “What am I feeling?”
How you were brought up – either in poverty or wealth – will affect your money emotions.
If you let yourself deal with the feelings, you aren’t going to have to repeat the dramas.
Learning how to manage cash flow can mollify financial fears.
When you learn how to put off purchases, you can manage your money better.
I talk about learning how to delay gratification.
If you learn how to manage your need for gratification and your dopamine signals that you need more, you can feel better about yourself and your money.
You can use the Covid pause to retrain your emotional responses.
Focus on what you have, not what you don’t have.
This is a good time to learn to recognize and deal with your emotions.

Check out my course Rewire Your Brain for Prosperity & Financial Freedom

Want to talk to me? Send an email to or fill out the form at

Anti-Bullyism Makes Things Worse

Izzy Kalman, school psychologist and founder of Bullies 2 Buddies, explains why the accepted anti-bullying strategy makes things worse.

THE HAPPY BRAIN PODCAST is a frank conversation between Loretta Breuning and a real reader of her book, Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain your brain to boost your serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin levels. Read the book and send your questions to Dr. Breuning on the contact form at the Inner Mammal Institute at: You may be a guest on the show yourself!

The brain chemicals that make us feel good are inherited from earlier mammals. They evolved to do a job, not to make you feel good all the time. When you know the job each chemical does in the state of nature, your ups and downs make sense. More important, you can re-wire yourself to enjoy more of them in sustainable ways.

It’s not easy, alas. Our brain is designed to release happy chemicals when you take steps that promote survival. But our brain defines survival in a quirky way: it cares about the survival of your genes and it relies on neural pathways built in youth. To make things even harder, our brain habituates to the rewards it has so you always have to do more to get more happy chemicals.

We are not born with survival skills like our animal ancestors. Each newborn human wires itself from its own early experience. Happy chemicals are like paving on your neural pathways, wiring you to repeat behaviors that made you feel good before. This is why our urgent motivations don’t make sense to our verbal brain. It’s not easy being mammal!

When you know how your brain works, you can find healthier ways to enjoy happy chemicals and relieve unhappy chemicals. You can build new neural pathways by feeding your brain new experiences. But you have to design the new experiences carefully and repeat them— a lot!

The Inner Mammal Institute has free resources to help you make peace with your inner mammal: videos, blogs, infographics, and podcasts. Dr. Breuning’s manyt books illuminate the big picture and help you plot your course. You can feel good in new ways, no matter where you are right now. Get the details at

Music from Sonatina Soleil by W.M. Sharp. Hear more of it at

Individuation: A Necessary Step Towards Growth

Join new podcaster, Anthony Metten, for a discussion about individuation. What is it? What does that mean? Why is is so vital to your mental health?

Thought leader Anthony Metten is ushering in a new era of life skills with an empowering message born from rigorous introspection and bold vulnerability. “Who we are isn’t who we are,” he explains. “It’s all about being in the present. The past is depression; the future is about anxiety.”

For Metten, self-perception is the gatekeeper of all the great things in life. “Success favors those willing to look deep inside. Those brave enough to remove the veils that once protected them but now hinder their growth,” he reveals.

Metten shares his message through speaking engagements and via his innovatively written book #upshift(Blooming Twig Press). His methodology blends tenets of psychology, career counseling, and real world experience.

At the core, Metten’s emboldening approach is about our relationship to the self, but its benefits fluidly extend to the workplace. Career success begins with the bonds we have with our coworkers, winning is a team-based activity fortified by deep interpersonal bonds.

For executives, Metten encourages them to be brave and strong enough to be vulnerable. He also encourages them to establish trust and understanding through transparent communication with clear boundaries – that’s where success starts. “Here’s the deal: You have to recognize other people,” Metten says. “Successful businesses are built on the people who work there. They help bring the accomplishments; it’s not about the boss, it’s about the people. That’s leadership.”

He recommends company rising stars to take chances but stay self aware as they make big decisions. “The question isn’t where you are on the continuum, it’s whether you’re on it, and what you’re willing to do to consistently improve self understanding. Along the way you will have setbacks and hurdles but don’t worry, we all have them. It’s what you learn and do with them that sets you apart,” Metten says. “

Onstage Metten exudes an assured, bold but refined demeanor. He’s an in-the-moment speaker cued into the audience’s energy, making dynamically meaningful twists and turns so each engagement is vibrantly unique. The constant in his work is always giving attendees a reason to pause and consider what could be possible, for both their careers and their personal lives.

Metten’s own life has been defined by consistently and continually redefining his self-conception. Growing up he internalized the distorted imaging surrounding him and descended into a life of frustration and low self-esteem. When he found himself a single parent, high school dropout, bankrupt and living on a friend’s couch, he knew it was time to hit the reset button. He transformed his own life through the lessons he teaches others. Metten went onto earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and Career Development from Santa Clara University. Previous to his thought leader work, Metten was a Senior Vice President at one of the largest global financial institutions in the financial industry.

“You need to do the hard work,” Metten says. “And you’ll know you’re doing the hard work when you’re honest with yourself. Get into areas you’re unfamiliar with, stretch, and get a little uncomfortable; those are the areas where growth and opportunity lie.”

Kingdom Citizen on Fire with George Boadu

December 4th and 5th……

?????? Register for FREE at ????????

Kingdom Citizen On Fire is a call to all children of God to be awakened and rise up to the demand of the world at this dispensation. God needs us to represent him on earth and the best time to do that is NOW. He has given us all that we need and required to achieve what is needed from us and the only way to live up to that expectation is discovering who we really and truly are. Y. O. U (Your Original You), You represents that powerful but hidden force God has placed in us. He is a Creator and so we are made with creative abilities.

He has Empowered YOU to take Dominion over everything and so Kingdom Citizen on Fire is about discovering Who you are and what you possess to overcome and achieve anything. This can be your giftings, talents, unique qualities etc.

God is not dwelling on earth but supposed to dwell in us so we have to do what God will do and that comes with discovering our true self so we can be on Fire for God and for the Kingdom. Kingdom Citizen on Fire, Empowering Us for Success. So, experts who have travelled that journey and have overcome various obstacles are coming to help us discover ourselves so we can achieve our purposes in Life as children of God, so we can impact and influence the world for God.

thank you so much.


Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469

The UNNI Podcast – w/ Pharoah Tahar (Part 2)

Part 2 of 2
From Pain to Purpose” Pharoah Tahar joins The UNNI Podcast Guestlist, and talks How-To turn pain into purpose with host, Bianca McCall. Pharoah is a Spiritual Guide & Media Influencer leading thousands of people across the globe, in spiritual practices and ascension- a journey Pharaoh himself is on, with an incredible story of triumph! He is a survivor of sexual assault, when he was an early teen- something that made him question the conditions of his Christian upbringing. He’s survived divorce, a custody battle, and bankruptcy. Pharaoh shares, through his philanthropy on a Native Reservation, he has unlocked the secrets to self-healing.
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Amber is a domestic abuse survivor who wants to raise awareness trauma and the lasting effects related to covert abuse. Website: HOPELINE to 741741 for free text based emotional supportPodcast RSS Feed: @Cntr4Suicide Instagram: Referral: 

NEW to MHNR Network! Transpired With Seth Carlson, a Podcast to Help Those Within the Transgender Community

Mental Health News Radio Network Welcomes Transpired With Seth Carlson, a Podcast to Help the Transgender Community and Those that Love Them.

“Everyone deserves to feel validated in their struggles, and everyone deserves to not feel like a burden or an outcast. I want to use my voice and platform to inform and provide insight so that life can be a little easier through their journey. I want to let those parents know, to let those questioning their gender know, that I’ve been through this, and they can absolutely get through it too. Happiness is on the other side of this.” – Seth Carlson

After the mother of a client had an incredible emotional impact on Seth Carlson he decided to begin his podcast, Transpired.  His client’s mother shared her tears of joy after her own transgender child used the tools he had learned from Seth to successfully make it through a very rough and suicidal time.  Seth’s goal is to gain a broader reach and help as many people that are struggling and questioning their gender, their parents, and anyone who just wants to understand a little bit more.  As a life coach and mentor to those within the transgender community, Seth uses his own life experiences and everything he’s learned while mentoring within the community to help others know that they are not alone and that they can get through this.

Seth feels that the most important thing that cisgender individuals (those that identify with their born gender) need to try to understand that it’s more than just a label. Being transgender comes with some of the most difficult mental health struggles imaginable. He wishes to use his knowledge and experience to help those struggling with their own issues.


About Mental Health News Radio Network

Mental Health News Radio Network hosts over 90 podcasts dedicated to all aspects of mental health. It is the world’s first and largest podcast network dedicated to all things mental health. Its Speakers’ Bureau and filmed series such as Mixed Nuts: Comedians and Mental Health allow it to further its mission to reach as many people in as many places as possible to encourage dialogue about mental health.


About Seth Carlson

Seth Carlson is a freelance writer, a musician, speaker from North Carolina. He is a post-surgery transgender man who remains on hormones. He is notably known as “The Trans Life Coach” in and around the community, where he offers one-on-one mentoring sessions for transgender youth and adults alike.



To book MHNR Network podcasters or CEO for your media outlet:

For all PR inquiries contact Ryan McCormick via our PR team:

Dawn Schiller | The Road Through Wonderland | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry

Dawn Schiller is an author, speaker, and an advocate. She was fifteen years old when her family moved into an apartment complex managed by porn star John Holmes. After grooming her, John Holmes began a sexual relationship with Dawn. She was manipulated with drugs and alcohol. She was abused physically and emotionally. She was even prostituted on the streets of Hollywood. After the infamous Wonderland murders, they fled to Florida where she broke free.

After the horrendous event, she relocated to the Pacific Northwest. She attended Eastern Oregon University and earned her undergraduate degree in Communication and Gender Studies. After pursuing her education, she became an associate producer and consultant on the movie “Wonderland”. Dawn became a consultant with the U.S Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime and for the Department of Health and Human Services Office on Trafficking in Persons. She became a founding member of “Survivor 2 Survivor” ad member of the National Survivor Network Resilient Voices of the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking.

As a writer, she wrote a memoir, “The Road Through Wonderland, Surviving John Holmes”, an account narrating her personal experiences and tragedies under John Holmes. She shares her story of abuse, trafficking, and survival through her memoir and academic presentations in order to help educate and motivate communities across America.






Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life


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