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Tag: depression

Why you NEED to embrace who you truly are feat. Ashleigh Frankel

“The further I ran from my core self, which I sort of did for a period of almost two decades, the worse the anxiety got.”
In this week’s episode I am joined by former lawyer turned founder of the Wise Mind Co. Mindfulness Entrepreneur, Ashleigh Frankel. Ashleigh drops so many nuggets of wisdom on what the “wise mind” is, the power of Intuition, what vulnerability looks like, her experience with anxiety and so much more.
Connect with Ashleigh here:

Carla Maree Simpson | The Conscious Choice to Be Happy | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry

Carla Simpson is a yoga guru, motivational speaker, and world traveler. She opened two successful business franchise, Anytime Fitness, and founded Happy Hot Yoga. Both of these franchises were built from scratch. She is also a host of the podcast Get Happy Hour.  

As a motivational speaker, she has travelled from different parts of globe where she helps and reminds others that happiness is a conscious choice.  





Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.     

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.     

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.     

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.     

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.     



LinkedIn: dennisberry1 

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry 

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

High Level Narcissists – Making Others Do Their Dirty Work

High level narcissists perpetrate tremendous stress on other human beings – their spouses, ex-spouses, children through their pernicious lying, deceptions and manipulations.  High level narcissists who succeed in the world preserve their pristine images by having favored members of their tight inner circles do their dirty work. 

There are extraordinary individuals who through their research, perseverance, insights and intuitions move forward along their own pathways.  I give them so much credit for their psychological strength and grit.  These are individuals of great character.  

They are unique individuals of fine character.  They are tremendous people and we honor them.

David Howitt: Combining Spirituality with Business – TPS446

David M. Howitt is the founder & CEO of Meriwether Group and author of Heed Your Call is an inspiring thought leader and accomplished entrepreneur. David has over twenty years of experience providing financial, strategic, and brand counseling to early stage, and Fortune 100 companies. He has the unique ability to integrate vision and growth strategies with mission and purpose.


David is a big fan of Joseph Campbell and The Hero’s Journey.
As a young boy, David had the urge to explore beyond the limited world he knew but avoided following that urge to explore. After getting married, having children, and working for years as an attorney, he knew he had to move in a new direction.
The business owners that David works with are able to integrate their spiritual lives with their business. He talks about the power of and rather than the power of or.
We talk about what it is that allows one person to move out of the “abyss” and move forward rather than staying stuck where they have been.
When you let go of what you think you should be and discover who must be that’s when synchronicity can happen and unexpected doors will open for you.
When he interviewed hospice workers, the number one regret that they heard from people on their deathbed was that they lived the life that other people wanted them to live.
There is a paradigm shift happening where younger people are beginning to understand that they don’t have to suffer to be considered a productive member of society. They are more interested in experiences than acquiring more things.
Sometimes we have to follow the wrong path to discern what the right path for us is.
We repair the world by following the “breath of God” that resides within us.
The question is, “How do we create the world that we really want?”
David talks about how the Meriwether Group helps people discover how they can become co-creators of their perfect life and lead from a place of intentionality.
We are now seeing the integration of Eastern and Western philosophy, of left brain and right brain, of artistry and analytics and that the magic happens with the integration of the ashram and the boardroom.
The beauty is in letting go.


David’s Site

Facebook Page:


Episode 117 – Create an Adventure

Are you stagnating? Writer’s block? Feel as if you’ve fallen into a Groundhog Day of same thing every day? This week, Judy & Jason discuss the importance of creating adventure (even tiny ones) to reignite the spark of your creativity.

To learn more about Judy Carter go to:
To learn more about Judy’s programs go to:
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Alexi Pappas

Alexi Pappas is an Olympic athlete in long distance running, actress/filmmaker, and author of the upcoming book “Bravey” which comes out January 12th, 2021. Dreams ————————————————————————————–Website: HOPELINE to 741741 for free text based emotional supportPodcast RSS Feed: @Cntr4Suicide Instagram: Referral: 

You Are My Person

Over Christmas, I found out that cancer is growing again which means I’m facing more intense chemotherapy. Living with terminal cancer has shown me how much I need people. The person I’ve needed the most is Brian. He is My Person. This is my love story about him, the power of two and how love conquers all.

Episode 11 – Meet Carolyn Reinach Wolf, Family-Focused Mental Health Attorney and Advocate

Today we celebrate Carolyn Reinach Wolf, an executive partner in the law firm of Abrams Fensterman, and director of the firm’s mental health law practice. Profiled by the NY Times and a regular contributor to Psychology Today, Carolyn shares her passion and dedication to helping the mentally ill and their loved ones. You may email inquiries directly to Ms. Reinach Wolf at the following email:


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