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The Wolf is My Therapist w/Ozzie Cabral and Mary Ann McCain

Animal Assisted Therapy has become very popular for youth therapy and treatment programs…but Wolves? That’s WILD!

Osvaldo “Ozzie” Cabra and Mary Ann McCain speak with Aaron about their ground breaking program speak with Aaron Huey of Firemountain Residential Treatment Center. 

Song of the Wolf Healing Center was founded by Mary Ann McCain and Ozzie Cabral.  Both have an extensive work history in the mental health and addictions field with various treatment modalites and populations. 

They are also animal lovers and have worked with wolfdogs.  After seeing many wolfdogs needing placement they decided to open up their own rescue and do their part in giving abandoned, neglected or unwanted wolfdogs a safe and loving place to live.




addiction, anxiety, at risk youth, Be the dad you wish you had, becoming self aware, best dad, Children on Drugs, coping skills, depression, drug abuse, family, fatherhood, fathers, Firemountain Residential Treatment, good dads, good father, healthy fathers, Justify or Just Do It, life lessons for kids, life skills, living sober, parental alienation, parenting, Parents, podcast, Podcasting, PTSD, raising kids, raising teens, resiliency, Ryan Roy, Sober living, stress, substance abuse, substance misuse, Teenagers, Teens At Risk, trauma

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