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54: Consistency Trumps Intensity


Consistency trumps intensity and novelty. What does that mean?  I hear over and over how my patients are able to stick with a new (novel)  eating plan, exercise routine, or (fill in the blank) for only a short time then they are off to something new (novel).   Many tend to gravitate towards dramatic or intense new ways of eating or being physically active (ex. CrossFit).  They feel pumped up by a new diet or by a new way to “lose belly fat,” for example.  

anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anxiety, binge eating, body hatred, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, coping skills, depression, Eating Disorders, Emotional Eating, Food Addiction, food and emotions, life skills, mental health, mental illness, overeating, pica, PTSD, stress, stress eating, trauma, weight


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