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I Finally Found Self-Compassion


Cancer and cancer treatment are not for the faint of heart. I ended up in the ER and a hospital stay last weekend. During the darkest moments of that experience, I stopped fighting what was and surrendered to what is. I was overcome with a sense of peace. And, then the tears came. I realized what I was feeling was self-compassion: a feeling I had not felt in the seven years of living with cancer. Self-compassion is the key to self-soothing. Yet, it is often misunderstood and and so many resist its practice. Let me tell what I learned from facing fear.

anxiety, change, change your life, coping skills, crossroads, depression, heath coach, Leah Barrett, life changes, life skills, mental health, mental illness, Mental Wellness, positive change, positive life, positive living, positive thinking, psychotherapist, self-care, true stories, turning points, uncertainty


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