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COVID-19 and Re-Entering the Work Force with Dr. Leo Flanagan Part 1

Leo Flanagan joins me for two very important conversations about how to successfully navigate the challenges of reentering the workforce alongside COVID-19. Leo introduces us to his 3 pandemic philosophy; the virus, anxiety and economic downturn and how to set up your business for a successful transition.

Leo F. Flanagan, Jr., PhD has more than 30 years of experience in the crafting and activation of business transformations by integrating human capital, innovation, and customer loyalty strategies. He has held senior level corporate positions at Merrill Lynch, Willis Holdings and The Forum Corporation. He consults across a wide range of industries including digital media, consumer goods, financial services, hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, and technology.

Consulting engagements have ranged from working with PE firms and portfolio companies on turnarounds and accelerations to partnering with global enterprises such as Bank of America, Citi, The Home Depot, IBM, JPMorgan Chase, McDonalds, MMC and UBS to craft and activate strategies to drive revenue growth, engage employees, upgrade talent and deliver the brand.

His brand of business transformation is fast, lean, practical and integrated with – not burdened on – the business. His work produces a true ROI. Double digit increases in revenue, customer loyalty and employee engagement and reductions in cost are trademarks of his leadership. One leading financial services company recently calculated the ROI from his work at 67:1. The CFO of a major bank cited his work more valuable than a $1bn acquisition with an 18% ROE.

Early in his career, Leo was a faculty member at Cornell University’s, School of Industrial and Labor Relations. A regular speaker at leading universities, Carnegie Mellon recently selected him as a faculty member and executive coach for its new Executive Leadership Academy. The Academy will prepare high-potential African Americans for advancement.

Always active in philanthropy and volunteer work, Leo currently is on the Board of Tuesday’s Children, an advisor to Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County and a member of Ministry to the Homeless. As Director of Community Resilience & Behavioral Health for H.E.A.R.T. 911 he volunteered in response to the Newtown School Shooting, Superstorm Sandy and the Moore Oklahoma EF-5 tornado.

Leo earned his PhD at City University of New York, his M.A. at Hunter College and his B.A. at Fordham University. Leo and his wife Maureen have four daughters. They also share a passion for travel as well as skiing, tennis, and sailing. Leo is also an avid fisherman.

The Courses discussed on this show can be accessed through his website.

Recommended Reading- The Five Things We Cannot Change and the Happiness We Find By Embracing Them by David Richo

Navigating the New Normal with Social Stories

Dr. Stephanie and Jason discuss the impact of Covid-19 and free resources for parents with children on the spectrum. Jason Hsieh is a serial entrepreneur and dad of 3 kids. He started LakiKid based on his personal experience of raising his son who has Autism and ADHD. LakiKid ran an online support group with 2600+ parents and weekly educational video podcast, it had helped over 16K+ kids with its products since inception in 2017, its products are also being used in 300+ Locations including NBA Arenas, Football and Baseball stadiums, aquariums and zoos across the United States as part of KultureCity’s Sensory Inclusive Initiative program. Learn more visit

Download the survival guide here:

Your Hidden Power #144 – Twenty-One Channeled Tips For Preventing Coronavirus

Host Doug Stephan and Co-Host and Astrologer Laura Banks. She can be contacted at: 352-552-1243 welcome Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Psychic
Surgeon, Hands-on Healer, and Spiritual Teacher Kimberly Meredith. Kimberly channels messages through her eyes’ blinking codes as a tool of communication from God, Mother Mary, Ascended Masters, and Angels. She has committed her system for staying safe from the pandemic virus to a short easy-to-read ebook: Coronavirus: Top 21 Tips for Protection. It’s available FREE at her website. Next, Mystifier Uri Geller explains the importance of being a good storyteller. Then, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley offers half-off on readings through the end of the month. Finally, Astrologer Laura Banks. She can be contacted at: 352-552-1243 says that we should start working on our plans now for the first of the year. Thats when it will be full-speed-ahead with our lives.

115 – Tim Desmond – How to Stay Human Through Compassionate Rage

“I think the most transformative practice that I’ve come across is this ability to see that in all of our responses and reactivity and whatever it is we’re all, deep down, these beautiful animals who wish that they could live in a world in which everyone’s needs were met and everyone loved each other. And we all have that wish. And that’s not the world we live in.” ~Tim Desmond

This is exactly what a planet in “time out” needs: a conversation with someone who can help us make sense of any effed up sitch. In his latest book, How To Stay Human In A F*cked Up World, author and Buddhist philosopher Tim Desmond, LMFT, invites us to peel back the layers that have been papered over of mindfulness practices. 

He helps us dive headlong into the process of self-inquiry, asking us to examine our motivations in hopes that we resurface with a more outward-facing practice. He even gives this Wounded Healer a crash course in compassionate rage – an incredibly helpful sidebar in light of so much pandemic-related dysfunction.

Let the conscious-raising begin! 


Tim Desmond is an esteemed Buddhist philosopher who has lectured on psychology at Yale and leads a mental health project at Google. Despite an absent father, childhood homelessness, and losing a wife to cancer, Desmond has emerged with not only inner strength and joyful resilience, but also a deep understanding of human suffering necessary to advocate for those hurting all over the world. Through his work, Desmond realized the truth: we don’t need a mindfulness practice for productivity or sleep, and it shouldn’t come from religion, philosophy, or hypothetical situations. Instead, mindfulness should be rooted in the pain, sadness, loneliness, and trauma of the here and now, because it is the only true antidote for this sometimes-miserable world we call home.


For full show notes, guest information, and resources, visit:

Conversations with a Wounded Healer is a proud member of @mhnrnetwork.

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…









Sarah’s virtual speaking gigs:

Wednesday, June 3, 11am Central  

Illinois Higher Education Center – Trauma and Substance Abuse


Tuesday, June 16, 1pm Central  

New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association – The Wounded Healer

Conscious Parenting Revolution : Katherine Winter-Sellery

Katherine Winter-Sellery
‘A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind’
Growing up in a blended family has given me a unique insight into the challenges children face. I grew up with a sister Melanie and brother Chris from my mom’s previous marriage and a sister, Nancy, on my father’s side. As well as my sister Heidi from their marriage.

Spending my early years growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana, in America’s Deep South, I saw first hand the racism and division that was polluting that part of the US. My father, an entrepreneur, decided to move us to Colorado. We moved several times so he could work on his businesses. Meanwhile, my mother was very independent. My lively upbringing and family dynamic enabled me to see as a child. You need to be seen and heard.
It was when I was 16, I lost my brother Chris to suicide. This devastating event impacted all of our family. And looking back, it also sewed the seeds for my drive to look at how children and parents can learn to communicate in a different dynamic. I could see the relationship my mother had with my brother, and his struggles were connected. His relationship with my dad, his step-father, was not healthy. And it set me on the…………

To learn more about Katherine, visit

To learn more about Rob Lohman, visit

Feelings of a Widow During Isolation

On today’s episode of Widow Walking Forward, Lisa Joy discusses the thoughts that have come to her mind during this period of isolation. It’s been a period of reflection and reading that perhaps a new beginning is once again upon us.

We would also greatly appreciate any and all of our listeners to give us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It will go a long way in supporting our mission of moving widows around the world through grief! 

Please check out​ our colleagues over at the Mental Health News Radio Network. There, you can find many great podcasts hosted by renowned hosts in the mental health field:

Also, we are proud to announce we have officially launched the Widow Walking Forward website! Please go check it out at

For more content from Lisa, visit the Facebook Page for Widow Walking Forward. Here, she posts uplifting and inspiring messages to keep you going through the day!

Lastly, we encourage all listeners to reach out through email at for support and encouragement. 

*Disclaimer* Lisa Joy is not a medical doctor – Please visit this has the official information that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released on Cornonavirus/COVID-19. It has information on symptoms, prevention, and what to do if you believe you or someone you have come in contact with has COVID-19.

Rescue to Recovery with Tracey Brown

Kristin and Tracey talk about how physical pain and trauma lives in your tissues and can have a negative impact on your mental health unless you root it out! Tracey Brown is a United States Coast Guard Veteran 1983-1987 QM3. She wore many hats as most Coast Guard men and women did in those days. She would be a firefighter one day, a small boat crew swimmer another. The Quartermaster rating in the USCG specializes in navigation. Even before understanding the extent of how the characteristics of PTSD had affected her personal life, Tracey was educated as a Director of Physical Rehabilitation and has been working for over twenty five years in the field. The last decade has been dedicated to specialized work in pain reduction via scar tissue therapy. This is where she began to realize the “lostness” and confusion PTSD can create. Her hope is to help not only the helpers, heroes and warriors get beyond the stigma of PTSD but for all that have endured stress after trauma and hopes to help further the conversation and understanding of Post-traumatic Stress.

Is There a Blueprint For Conscious Creation?

This is a question that Kristin and Martha explore with Kim Stanwood Terranova, author of “The Technology of Intention, Activating the Power of the Universe Within You.” Kim shares her knowing that each of us has the capabilities to create a life based on love and joy by showing us our tools and how to use them. After years of learning opportunities disguised as hardships, Kim shares “The Three Power Pillars” of intention that allowed her to become an authentic teacher of conscious creation. Kim is a master teacher of intentional living, licensed Practitioner of Truth from the Agape international Spiritual Center in Los Angeles and has a bachelor’s degree in Spiritual Studies. Join us on this enlightening journey toward our authentic selves!

World Suicide Prevention Day with Dr. Paul Meier

How do we reach the “highly functional” depressed person? Are they going to check the box on an intake form for “do you have suicidal thoughts?” Dr. Paul Meier joins Kristin Sunanta Walker for a look and a listen about the many, many people who live with suicidal ideation who mask their symptoms and go unnoticed … until, sometimes, it is too late.

Dr. Paul Meier is the founder of, a best-selling author and practicing psychiatrist.

Kristin Sunanta Walker is the founder of Mental Health News Radio Network.

Annie Gaudreault — Women, Food and COVID

More than ever, many women are experiencing struggles in their relationship with food. They may be spending more time at home, feeling increased stress and off of their exercise routine. Annie Gaudrealt is a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach and offers guidance on how we can take care of our mind and bodies during COVID. Annie is an anti-diet practitioner, and states “healthy is not a shape”. Learn more about Annie and what she offers:

Find out more about the Zestful Aging Podcast at


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