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Tag: mental health

Dana Pharant: How She Uses Intuition to Guide Her Success – TPS450

Having built a 7-figure business without sales calls and as a former dominatrix, Dana Pharant knows all about owning her power and being unique. She has worked with clients for over 25 years, helping them keep their head out of their ass so they can scale with ease. She is the author of five books, winner of multiple awards and a woman who treats her own personal development like an extreme sport.


Dana Pharant was brought up in a cold and also went through all kinds of abuse. When she left the cult at 18, she went on a healing journey. She explains how her time as a dominatrix was part of her healing journey.
In the work that she does now, Dana uses her experience to help empower her clients.
We talk about how women can often have the fantasy of dominating, although Dana says that many men and women want to let go and be submissive.
A dominatrix is a high-level service position. Dana explains.
We talk about the difference between power and control and the different ways that leaders express their power. It’s about ‘power with’ rather than ‘power over’.
Power comes from letting go. In order to be able to let go, it’s essential that you understand why you need to be in control.
For the women that Dana works with, there can be a real fear of letting go of control. Dana talks about the shift in mindset that women have to go through in order to let go.
I asked Dana to explain how she helps people understand the difference between feminine and masculine power. Making the shift is a matter of reprogramming the brain.
Dana shares some techniques she uses to help people trust their intuition including how to ask your body what it needs.
When you let yourself be who you really are, you get a sense of profound freedom.
We talk about the value of letting your intuition guide your creative process.
Men and women access their intuitive inspiration differently.
People are becoming more accepting of some of the “woo” ideas about energy.
Dana is very grounded and uses the term “practical woo”.
We talk about letting go and allowing our businesses to take shape rather than pushing to make things happen.

Dana Pharant’s Site

For a free download of Dana’s book, go to

Facebook Page

Dana Pharant on LinkedIn

Ableism vs. Empowerment

Join Dr. Stephanie C. Holmes as she discusses the important differences between ableism and empowerment. She will talk through some of the stigma associated with autism. Beginning with a brief history of the different beliefs and clinical research about autism and discussing the theories and models of disabilities- both of which added to a negative stigma of disabled persons or persons with differences or delays such as those on the autism spectrum. She will discuss the importance of empowerment and partnering with the individual to create strategies and options and choice that are meaningful to the person and challenge you to assess if you have a hidden bias or belief in ableism- or belief that being abled or “normal” is superior to others with disabilities or differences.

You can find out more about her at

She is offering a 25% discount on her DVD series Moving Beyond Surviving to Thriving and Teens on the Spectrum if you mention this podcast and reach out to her at

Dr. Holmes is a professional counselor and educator and advocate, but her real credentials come from being a mother of an exceptional young lady on the spectrum who is also interviewed on Converge Autism Radio, Sydney.

She is developing a training course for clinicians to work with NeuroDiverse couples who are also faith-based coming in 2021.

NEW to MHNR Network!  Anxiously Okay Hosted by Alec Baynes


Anxiously Okay with Alec Baynes hosting a podcast dedicated to anxiety sufferers and those that love them as they learn to both manage and thrive while living with anxiety.

“If someone listens to my podcast and feels less alone with their anxiety, then I did my job.” – Alec Baynes

Alec Baynes began his podcast with the vision of helping listeners understand that you don’t have to live your life as though your anxiety is a defect. He brings a unique and youthful perspective on the topic of living with anxiety. His vision is that his listeners feel less alone living with their anxiety from the perspective of one who suffers himself.

As a young adult in today’s society, we expect them to be capable of managing work, family, friends, school, and more as though life is the same as it was 50 years ago. Today’s young adults are living in an age of chaos, and it’s completely understandable when some live with anxiety. Alec brings his experiences living with anxiety before having found therapy as well as all of the tools he has learned since turning to professional help. He aims to share both his experiences as well as his self-care tools that help him manage daily life.

About Mental Health News Radio Network

Mental Health News Radio Network hosts over 90 podcasts dedicated to all aspects of mental health. It is the world’s first and largest podcast network dedicated to all things mental health. Its Speakers’ Bureau and filmed series such as Mixed Nuts: Comedians and Mental Health allow it to further its mission to reach as many people in as many places as possible to encourage dialogue about mental health.


About Alec Baynes

Alec Baynes is 24 years old and works as an Advertisement Evaluator and Medical Transcriber, both work from home positions. He spent most of his life believing that his anxiety was a defect and exclusive to himself. He lives with anxiety, is not a doctor or a therapist, but rather, he uses his personal experiences in helping his listeners. As a Communications major in college, he always felt more akin to writing than speaking, and his podcast is one more tool that helps him confront his own anxiety. He enjoys video games, movies, writing, puzzles, family, and friends.



To book MHNR Network podcasters or CEO for your media outlet:

For all PR inquiries contact Ryan McCormick via our PR team:

Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Season 3 Chapter 9: Grim Defeat

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

S3 Chapter 9: Grim Defeat

On this episode, Dr. Janina Scarlet and Host Dustin McGinnis discuss substitute teachers, some possible ways to handle anxiety and fear, how trauma can linger throughout life, and an all new fascinating chapter of Cultural Curiosities about Werewolves.

The post Harry Potter Therapy Podcast Season 3 Chapter 9: Grim Defeat first appeared on Superhero Therapy.

Kaia Downing's Story of Husband Brad Downing's PTSD

Kaia Downing is married to Brad Downing, who was on last week. Kaia was a police officer for ten years and is now a parole officer. Kaia shares her story of being married to someone with PTSD. We discuss what it’s like raising children when your spouse is angry, irrational, and detached. Kaia has the unique understanding of what it’s like to be a police officer and be the spouse of one. This discussion is a very good one and I am sure many many spouses and families out there will relate and find that they are not alone.
Movie: The Female Brain

Jocelyn Brownell

Jocelyn is in practicum for Marriage and Family therapy, and has been working to raise awareness for mental health in sub cultures. Gaining Perls of WisdomContact: ——————————————————————Website: Text HOPELINE to 741741 for free text based emotional supportPodcast RSS Feed: @Cntr4Suicide Instagram: Referral:

Give Yourself Permission To Be YOU

Thinking Thursday #18

Give yourself permission to be fully YOU. It’s worth it.

Check out my Twitch Stream!

Check out my Tik Tok!



Daughters of Janus Faced Narcissistic Mothers

Quoting from psychoanalyst Alice Miller about the dilemma of a child of a narcissistic mother: “The art of not experiencing feelings – A child can experience her feelings only when there is somebody there who accepts her fully, understands her and supports her. If that person is missing, if the child must risk losing the mother’s love of her substitute in order to feel, then she will repess emotions.”

From her earliest days and months the daughter of the narcissistic mother experiences a cool dismissiveness. The little daughter feels the disdain, aloof distancing, disregard, disrespect emanating from this mother…In her presence she felt edgy, scared, humiliated, emotionally small and insignificant. 

Different kinds of narcissistic mothers:

Narcissistic Mother most accomplished

Narcissistic Mother Most Regal

Narcissistic Mother Most Holy

This child cannot be her true self since this is forbidden and signaled by the narcissistic mother as a negative vulnerability, a weakness, a lack of character. As a result this child cannot be authentic and must put on the facade that mother demands of her. 

There is a time of awakening. With your insights, research, intuitions and revelations of your narcissistic mother’s true nature, you move forward as a grounded, true self individual, fully entitled to yur unique individuality, integrity and your creative gifts.




 Ep – 165 Erwin Valencia

In this episode I speak with Erwin B Valencia, high performance and sports medicine specialist and the first Filipino, raised and educated in the Philippines to be hired full time on the medical staffs of a MLB and then a NBA team about his wakeup call when after first being rejected to work in NBA, he spent a birthday in Prague giving out 300 hugs and upon trusting the universe was offered five jobs with NBA teams without sending out any resumes.

What Has Been Your Biggest Fear Since Being Widowed?

On today’s episode, Lisa Joy discusses the fears that many widows have but never discuss. You will hear concerns from many who have shared their thoughts on her Facebook page, Widow Walking Forward.

We would also greatly appreciate any and all of our listeners to give us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It will go a long way in supporting our mission of moving widows around the world through grief! 

Please check out? our colleagues over at the Mental Health News Radio Network. There, you can find many great podcasts hosted by renowned hosts in the mental health field:

Also, we are proud to announce we have officially launched the Widow Walking Forward website! Please go check it out at

For more content from Lisa, visit the Facebook Page for Widow Walking Forward. Here, she posts uplifting and inspiring messages to keep you going through the day!

Lastly, we encourage all listeners to reach out through email at for support and encouragement. 


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