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Why Does Exercising Seem So Difficult? with Joey Atlas


Joey Atlas shares his struggles with food as a child and then later as an adult competitive bodybuilder. Teased about his weight as a child, he found that sports enabled him to get in better shape but also started him on a downward spiral of food restricting alternating with binging. Over time, he realized he needed a more sustainable way to manage his carbohydrate and chocolate cravings without depriving himself of the foods he loved. His approach involves making exercise no different than it was when you

anorexia, anorexia nervosa, anxiety, binge eating, body hatred, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, coping skills, depression, Eating Disorders, Emotional Eating, Food Addiction, food and emotions, life skills, mental health, mental illness, overeating, pica, PTSD, stress, stress eating, trauma, weight


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