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Experience More Synchronicity by Reducing Fear – TPS404


In today’s episode I talk about synchronicity, often called meaningful coincidences, plus how to experience more synchronicity and what prevents its occurrence. The main problem is fear and I discuss how to tamp this down.


I give some examples of synchronicity and my ongoing question of how we can increase synchronicity happening for us.
Fear is one of the things that keeps you from experiencing synchronicity because when you are fearful, you are usually making up a story in the future that doesn’t exist.
Fear of an immediate danger is different from fear of the future.
If you want more of what you want to show up, you need to control your fear.
Mindfulness or meditation can help you focus on the present.
I share simple meditation techniques for staying focused on the present.
People often talk about accepting what’s happening but don’t think about it in terms of our greater reality.
I ask if peace on earth is possible within our dualistic reality.
In your quiet moment, you can ask if there is something you can do to ameliorate what’s happening.
How can you contribute to solutions?
By letting go of fear, you can contribute to solutions.
Fear blocks creative forces and keeps us in a stagnant place.
I also believe that you need to understand how traumatic childhood experiences are affecting your outcomes.
You have to make a decision to work through your fear

Paul O’Brien interview

My book, The Search for Connection

The podcast episode about Empathetic Detachment

The course Simple Meditation for Busy Entrepreneurs:

For 50% off, use Promo Code smbe50off at checkout.

anxiety, authentic self, Authenticity, Build Your Money Muscles, business coach, courage, courage to change, depression, fear, financial health, healthy money, holistic business, holistic success, internal environment, Joan Sotkin, life change, life purpose, low-stress, mental health, Mental Health Business, mental illness, MONEY, practical business, prosperityplace, purpose, reduce stress, reducing fear, stress, unique business theories


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