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Jessica Hehmeyer: Functional Medicine for Weight Problems- TPS435


Dr. Jessica Hehmeyer is a functional medicine practitioner and founder of Well Empowered where she uses data-driven natural medicine to help her clients resolve health problems and maintain health. Her singular focus is helping people sustain the health and vitality needed to bring their gifts fully to this world.

Dr. Hehmeyer holds a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, a Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine, and a BA from UCLA. She is an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner as well as a certified Yoga Instructor, Master Level Certified SuperSlow High Intensity Strength Trainer.

Jessica had a serious problem maintaining her weight which led her on the path to learning about alternative protocols.
People aren’t trained to know that there are options to the traditional medical system.
Medical practices are starting to shift and doctors are starting to recommend people to natural medicine practitioners.
Most illness is related to lifestyle choices.
Data driven natural medicine uses a lot of tests to determine a course of action for a patient.
We talk about the necessity of addressing psychological elements that affect people’s eating habits. Jessica helps people recognize their emotional triggers.
There are a lot of challenges to making functional medicine available to large numbers of people.
Jessica shares a lot of her knowledge via webinars and social media.
Meditation can help you find what’s right for you.
When people identify their why, it’s easier to make a decision to heal.
Jessica works mostly with people who have weight issues.

Jessica’s site:

Facebook Page:


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