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Jan Janzen: The Inner Approach to Selling – TPS440


Jan Janzen has been a serial entrepreneur for 40 years. She bought a franchise at just 19 years of age and since then has worked in a wide variety of industries from being president of a network marketing company to having three businesses

in the automotive field to having a 6-figures healing practice. Jan’s focus is helping women entrepreneurs fall in love with the sales process so they can earn the money they need in their businesses so they can take care of themselves and make the difference they are here to make in the world.

Jan shares her unusual background in sales as a Jehovah’s Witness where she learned how to accept rejection.
Leaders often feel l like outsiders, which can be an asset. They also have to be their own person.
We talk about how Jan presents the idea of sales to people who might be repulsed by the idea of selling.
Jan explains why she doesn’t use high-testosterone words like prospect, close, or filling the pipeline.
Women are usually really good at sales and outsell men by 11%, even though they break many of the rules.
Women entrepreneurs outsell men, but they earn less because they often under-price their services.
Jan talks about money mindset and the assessment she uses to measure where a person is vis-à-vis money. She explains the idea of money archetypes.
A person’s genetic coding can also affect financial behaviors.
Changing your money mindset requires more than learning financial skills. The inner work has to be done.
I asked Jan how she helps people overcome their money mindset blocks.
Women often don’t see the value that they bring. Jan explains how she teaches women to overcome this.
Jan talks about dealing with the objection, “I can’t afford it” and how to discover if a potential client is a good fit for you.
People often rush through a sales conversation because they don’t like doing it.
There are various techniques that Jan uses to help people gain the confidence needed in order to sell.
Your internal habits and self-concept can affect your ability to sell. We talk about the elements that can come into play.
Our tribal programming can keep us from reaching our next income level.

Take Jan’s free assessment to discover your money archetype

Jan’s Site:



anxiety, authentic self, Authenticity, Build Your Money Muscles, business coach, courage, courage to change, depression, fear, financial health, healthy money, holistic business, holistic success, internal environment, Joan Sotkin, life change, life purpose, low-stress, mental health, Mental Health Business, mental illness, MONEY, practical business, prosperityplace, purpose, reduce stress, reducing fear, stress, unique business theories


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