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Improve Your Relationship with Time – TPS466


Entrepreneurs often complain that they don’t have enough either time or money. I have often spoken about the non-enough-money issue. In this episode, I talk about feeling that you don’t have enough time and how to develop a better relationship with time.


I talk about my long history of examining the issue of time.
Staying focused in the present moment was often what I focused on in meditation. I often use the mantra, There is no past, there is no future, there is only the here and now.
Time is a series of nows, and if you’re focused on the past or the future, you are missing your life.
When you are focused in the moment, you are allowing things to happen rather than forcing things to happen.
I talk about age and how each decade is like a different phase of our lives, and I give some definition to each of the phases.
People often worry about how much time they have left and there is no way of knowing. So pay attention to today and what you feel the urge to do for yourself today – or perhaps for others.
Take the time to be with people because being with people allows you to feel more connected, which is extremely important. People who have good relationships live longer.
How do you complain about not having enough time? You have as much as you have – even though you don’t know what that is.
Are you leaving enough time in between activities for new ideas and information to come through?
If you are keeping yourself constantly busy and are always pushing to get to the next thing, you are missing a lot of your life.
Give yourself the time to do whatever makes you comfortable.
Time is a gift and you have to decide how you want to spend it.

The updated Conscious Synchronicity episode

anxiety, authentic self, Authenticity, Build Your Money Muscles, business coach, courage, courage to change, depression, fear, financial health, healthy money, holistic business, holistic success, internal environment, Joan Sotkin, life change, life purpose, low-stress, mental health, Mental Health Business, mental illness, MONEY, practical business, prosperityplace, purpose, reduce stress, reducing fear, stress, unique business theories


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