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Creating Healthy Habits | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry


Successful people have developed habits which helped them to get to where they want to be. It didn’t just happen by luck. It is important to develop good healthy habits and eliminate bad habits to get where you want to be. It is important to stick to your habits. Consistency is the key.

It is great to develop a strategy and have these habits, but if you can consistently work on them, they won’t work.

There are 3 phases you go through in creating healthy habits:

1. The Pink Cloud Phase – this is where you’re excited about it and you get into it and have no problems getting started.

2. The Struggle – this is the phase where the pink cloud has worn off. You are seeing a little results, or maybe not, but you might think it’s ok to slip back into old habits like eating junk food or not working towards your goals. This is where you need to find ways to get through and grind it out when things aren’t perfect so you can achieve your goal.

3. The Comfort Phase – this is where you have developed the habit and you feel good about it. BUT it can also be a dangerous phase if you don’t find ways of carrying on your success. You’ve lost your weight. You’ve hit your financial goals, or whatever it is. So you think it is ok at some point to slack off a little and before you know it you’re back in your old behavior. 

Here are my tips for creating healthy habits and letting go of bad habits:

1. One habit at at time – Don’t try to fix everything at once. It takes time. Pick one thing. Work on it 100%. When you have achieved your goal, move on to the next. If you try to do it all at once, you’ll get overwhelmed and quit them all.

2. Make a start – Right now. Don’t wait until Monday or January 1st or the next full moon. Start right now. The perfect moment is not going to come.

3. Start small – baby steps. Start with little things or little goals. If you are 60 pounds overweight and eating 3000 calories a day and cut to 500 calories a day, you are going to go nuts. Start by cutting a little out at a time.

4. Be consistent – set times/reminders everyday that will help you do things little by little. Do it even when you don’t want to. Set your unpreferred task after your preferred task. I like to go to the gym early in the morning, so after that, I get right to work. It keeps me motivated.

5. Be present – you can’t live in the past or the future. Focus on today. If you think you can’t eat anything “fun” for the rest of your life you will get overwhelmed. BUT if you just can’t eat chocolate today, it is now attainable. You just have to not eat chocolate TODAY.

6. Enjoy the process. Have fun. Be happy. When you’re having fun and feel good about what you are doing, you will be successful. If it is a constant struggle, you will quit. And if you miss a day, get back to it tomorrow.

Any questions? Shoot me an email:

My book: Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life

Hire Dennis Berry to speak at your company or organization:

addiction, Addiction and Recovery, alcoholism, anxiety, codependency, coping skills, depression, Eating Disorders, General Mental Health, health and wellness, life skills, living sober, Men's Mental Health, mental health, mental wellness, recovery, self-awareness, self-care, spirituality, stress, substance abuse, suicide, suicide awareness, wellness


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