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How to Deal with an Emotional Healing Crisis -TPS462


In today’s episode, I talk about the emotional healing crisis that happens when you release long-held emotions. I explain how emotions don’t just happen in your mind, but also happen in your physical body and how you can deal with the resulting discomfort.


When you don’t express your emotions, there is a buildup of the “molecules of emotion” on the receptors of your cell. Because emotions are a form of energy, this buildup can cause physical symptoms.
I talk about some physical effects of holding in emotions.
When you make significant emotional changes, there is an energetic shift throughout your body and you have to would just to the new configuration.
Because most people don’t understand the idea of healing crises, they will often do things to stop the process.
I talk about the emotional healing crisis I’ve been going through.
As you start shifting to a new way of being, there’s a chance that you’re going to go through a healing crisis.
There is a wide variety of symptoms that you may experience when going through a healing crisis.
It takes time to take care of your body which is an incredible machine that requires maintenance.
If you get in touch with your body and learn how to communicate with your body, you’ll know what action to take when you feel a little off.
It’s important to learn at least a little bit about how your body works and to have people you can talk to about how your body works.
No one can know your body better than you.
The healing crisis is just something that happens – it isn’t bad – and if you can understand it better then you’ll know how to deal with it.

Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert

The Wisdom of the Receptors: Neuropeptides, the Emotions, and the Bodymind by Candace Pert

anxiety, authentic self, Authenticity, Build Your Money Muscles, business coach, courage, courage to change, depression, fear, financial health, healthy money, holistic business, holistic success, internal environment, Joan Sotkin, life change, life purpose, low-stress, mental health, Mental Health Business, mental illness, MONEY, practical business, prosperityplace, purpose, reduce stress, reducing fear, stress, unique business theories


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