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World Suicide Prevention Day with Dr. Paul Meier


How do we reach the “highly functional” depressed person? Are they going to check the box on an intake form for “do you have suicidal thoughts?” Dr. Paul Meier joins Kristin Sunanta Walker for a look and a listen about the many, many people who live with suicidal ideation who mask their symptoms and go unnoticed … until, sometimes, it is too late.

Dr. Paul Meier is the founder of, a best-selling author and practicing psychiatrist.

Kristin Sunanta Walker is the founder of Mental Health News Radio Network.

Abuse, addiction, anger, anxiety, Bipolar, boundaries, Christian counseling, Christian therapy, counseling, depression, Dr. Paul Meier, Eating Disorders, family relationships, Lisa Day, mental health, mental illness, narcissism, OCD, Paul Meier MD, personality disorder, Psychiatry, psychology, relationships, substance abuse, substance misuse, suicide, suicide prevention, therapy, toxic people, trauma


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