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The Columbine Shooting Anniversary – “Looking through another lens”


In this podcast, our guest, Kris (Last name protected, given the nature of her work within the mental health community) talks about the recent 20 year anniversary of the Columbine shooting where two high school students took the lives of 12 students and 1 teacher. This anniversary was significant because several schools in Colorado were closed after the FBI named an 18-year-old woman, a potential threat. This young woman ultimately committed suicide after a statewide manhunt ensued. In the aftermath of her suicide in the mountains of Colorado, social media exploded with shouts of celebration over her death, as well as reminders that losing any life is a tragedy. No matter where you stand on the issue, this episode highlights a broader topic of mental health and how we all have a responsibility to ask questions and show compassion to those in our society who may be struggling.

Kris is a therapist, leader and advocate on mental health issues in her community. Given the sensitive nature of her work within the mental health arena, her identity is protected but her words serve as a reminder of a larger issue within our community and what we can do to instigate a movement of change.

anxiety, Bipolar, childhood abuse, Childhood Trauma, counseling, courage, cPTSD, depression, domestic violence, gender identity, generational trauma, healing, Jann Simmons, Love, mental health, mental illness, mother daughter, mothers, PTSD, Shari Simmons, suicide, therapy, transformation, trauma, trauma survivor

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