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Helping Parents Heal from Perinatal Loss: Miscarriage and Stillbirth


The Savvy Shrink podcast is honored to have Laura Navarro Pickens, LCSW as our guest today. Laura brings with her decades of clinical practice helping families in the aftermath of perinatal loss, including stillbirth and miscarriage, as well as birth trauma, infertility, and postpartum adjustment. Today’s podcast focuses on how parents can heal psychologically when the absolute worst nightmare occurs, and they lose a pregnancy or a beloved infant . Listen in as Laura shares her expertise in knowing how to support families with this very specific form of traumatic loss. 

Currently, Laura provides consultation services to the Kendall Lauren Honig Pregnancy & Infant Loss Program at Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, where I also facilitate their weekly Perinatal Loss Support Group.  

She is a psychotherapist for Orange County Community Services Programs, Inc (CSP) – Victim Services.  I also facilitate a weekly Parent Support Group for parents whose children have been victimized by crime.  

Laura feels it is important to stay connected to the international and research community in my fields of practice.  She is a member of several organizations, including:

– National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

– Postpartum Support International (PSI)

– National Association of Perinatal Social Workers (NAPSW)

– Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance (PLIDA)




Andrea Schneider, attachment, bullies, bullying, codependency, codependent, Covert Narcissism, de-stigmatizing mental health, emotional abuse, empowerment, families, gaslighting, healing, healing from toxic relationships, healing modalities, maternal mental health, mental health, mental health interventions, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse in family systems, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic victim syndrome, NPD, NVS, Overt Narcissism, psychological abuse, psychotherapy, self-care, Stockholm Syndrome, therapy, toxic people, toxic relationships, trauma

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