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Widow Walking Forward: Navigating Grief


Please welcome a new podcast to Mental Health News Radio Network: Widow Walking Forward. The show is an inspiring, uplifting, and informative podcast made to bring joy where there is grief! Lisa Joy has been a widow for three years, and it is now her mission to teach lessons on moving forward after losing a spouse. Derived from personal experience, intuition, and love, Lisa is dedicated to bring topics and themes that are sure to inspire.

On this podcast she talks about the journey she has undertaken as well as that of her family. She is inspiring and has a unique message that can help anyone moving through any kind of grieving process.

We are excited to have our first podcast covering this all important mental health topic.

Abuse, abuse recovery, anxiety, authentic life, behavioral health, community, coping skills, current events, de-stigmatizing mental health, depression, destigmatize mental health, destigmatizing mental health, emotional abuse, empath, healing, healing life, healing lifestyle, Kristin Sunanta Walker, life skills, mental health, mental health awareness, mental illness, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, overall health, psychology, PTSD, self-care, suicide, suicide prevention, trauma, Trauma recovery


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