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Music Therapy and Mental Health with Jon Samson


Jon and Kristin talk about the importance of music as a therapeutic modality in mental health. Jon shares his unique way of working with children and adults to help them get comfortable and let the healing in!

In Johannesburg, South Africa, Jon grew up hearing that “children should be seen and not heard” which helped inspire his life’s work. In addition to be a leading advocate for music therapy and education reform, his ultimate goals are to help children to have a larger platform to be listened to and understood while also inspiring the Child Archetype in people of all ages, particularly adults; parents, teachers, care givers, mental health professionals and beyond.

Rooted in indie pop, the music of his Grammy winning Ageless: Songs for the Child Archetype consists of playful and imaginative arrangements which are thoughtful and complex yet deliver a simple message about striving for balance and harmony. The Child Archetype is always being expressed, as Jon puts it “either through shadow (childish) or light (child like).” This unique project offers a beautiful sensory experience that is full of heart and serves a guiding message to ignite personal growth, positivity and creative expression. Children from Jon’s private practice are featured on the album, which provided a fantastic opportunity to empower them with a chance to be heard by many. His recent interview on Andrew and Polly’s Sirius XM Kids Place live show has sparked enthusiasm throughout the community.

Jon Samson is the first native South African to win the award for Best Children’s Album. His other accolades include taking first place twice in the International Songwriting Competition, Parents Gold Choice, and receiving the John Lennon Songwriting Contest grand prize.


Special artists and guests on the album include: Marty Beller (They Might Be Giants), Bess Rogers, Chris Kuffner and Hannah Winkler (Ingrid Michaelson Band) Wouter Kellerman, Grammy winning flutist from South Africa, 6 year old cellist Darius Kalantari, son of last years Grammy Winner for Best Children’s Album, Lucy Kalantari, and Andrew Futral known best for his work with Field Mouse.

Ingrid Michaelson, Musician, on Ageless “Jon Samson has a way of writing songs for kids that are really for all of us. If you have a child, a dog, a friend, a stuffed animal … you NEED to listen to this. It’s too important.”

Caroline Myss, best selling author and teacher on Ageless: “Jon’s music is just enchanting for children, but even more so for adults to nourish their Child Archetype within. He is truly a gifted artist, teacher and visionary.”

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